Summertime – it’s synonymous with cross-country road trips, transatlantic flights and weeks of travel. However, these much-needed breaks from reality also mean disruptions to routine. For gym rats, that includes their work-out schedules.
Never fear: There are creative ways to stay fit before sipping drinks poolside. At PUSH Gym, our coaches have their own tips and tricks for squeezing in vacation pumps.
Marty incorporates lots of walking and body weight exercises when he’s out of town. At the beach, he’ll run on the sand, and, in the city, he’ll jog up and down stairs.
Julie prefers exercising indoors to give her more efficient workouts. So, she’ll scope out hotel gyms or make guest appearances at local gyms to fit in her sweat sessions. Added bonus: It’s a fun way to meet people.
“Moving my body daily is super important to me – this includes when I’m on vacation,” Julie said.
Kara makes checking out local and hotel gyms a priority when she travels.
Forrest’s workouts depend on his destination. On a summer trip to Michigan, he’ll hike the dunes, run outside and take long (romantic?) walks on the beach. A visit to Oregon means adventure fitness, such as mountain biking, stand-up paddle boarding and kayaking.
Hanging out with a friend or relative can happen in a workout setting, Forrest adds. He likes to tap into their fitness routines, joining them for a run, walk or class.
“It’s a nice way to spend time with whomever I’m visiting, switch up my own routine, and try some new things,” Forrest said.