Carter Fawson, 31, stumbled across PUSH Gym after he moved to Denver from the D.C. area in 2020. He sought to find a replacement for his former HIIT gym on the East Coast, but, more importantly, he needed a reliable workout to help with a serious former back injury.
About 15 years ago, Fawson broke 11 bones in his spine. While he’s tried different treatments over the years, a doctor told him that, for long term health and wellness, Fawson must keep the muscles around his back strong to alleviate his injury.
Even when he frequented the gym in D.C., he still experienced back pain. “Now that I’m at PUSH consistently, my back hasn’t hurt in years,” Fawson said.
Today, he makes sure to frequent classes at the same time of day, socializing with gym buddies who have become part of his inner circle. Through PUSH, he met some of his closest friends, who he skis and mountain bikes with on a weekly basis.
Owner and trainer Marty plays a big role in fostering a positive experience, Fawson said. He takes a personal interest in his clients, and, as a physical therapist, modifies workouts to help them individually, Fawson added.
“Each class is filled with different people, different backgrounds, different body types,” he said. In such a comfortable environment, “there’s no pressure” to compete with each other, which motivates him.
Fawson remembers when he and his wife had their daughter almost one year ago. The gym not only announced it, but peers also gathered baby clothes for the new family, which Fawson called “pretty incredible.”
“Turns out, it’s awesome at PUSH,” he said. “The gym part of it is great, but it’s been a bigger part of my community in general.”