Push Gym is about connecting with every member, almost to the point that we’re like your favorite bartender: we know what you’re having before you even take off your coat. And isn’t that a feeling you want to experience everywhere, especially at your gym?
As one of Denver’s healthiest cities, we are inundated with every type of fitness option from boutique fitness clubs to a big-box gym. While we would never use the word “boutique” to describe the interior of Push Gym (we don’t sell flowers, let’s put it that way), our size and mission are much closer to that description than that of a big box or single-platform studio.
The key to fitness in Denver is balancing lifestyle while putting in the work. At a gym like ours, our trainers promote a sense of accountability with their clients. The feeling at bigger gyms is that they just want you to pay for training and don’t take as much of a personal interest in your fitness goals.
We also take care of the details for you. Our trainers log your workouts; we log your achievements and help keep you on your schedule. Plus, Push Gym boasts a loyal staff. The problem with the bigger box fitness centers is that trainer-turnover can disrupt continuity with your fitness goals. Plus, the goal seems to be more about numbers of personal training sessions than the actual training.
Boutique fitness gyms like Push Gym can only sustain a certain amount of clients, mostly because we don’t have a ton of space. The good news is that our capacity isn’t that crowded, unlike the after-work rush at other gyms. Plus, the familiarity you develop breeds camaraderie. Trainers and members are all pulling in the same direction and that positivity rubs off on your fellow members. The smiles are real, and the high-fives aren’t contrived.
We like to think globally but act locally, too. Your money doesn’t feed the corporate machine; more accurately, a lot of it goes toward improving the conditions of your fitness facility (at least it should). And speaking of money, cost is much different than value. The bang for your buck at a boutique gym is so much greater than at a big-box, but only if you put in the work. But that’s why we’re here.